Backpacking and Your Budget

Published On August 7, 2014 | By Staff Writer | Travel Planning
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It may be inconvenient, but it is nonetheless an inescapable fact that anybody planning some serious travel – such as backpacking in tropical climes or a round-the-world trip – must begin with planning the budget.

Budgeting for travel can be dull, but it is an essential part of the travel experience.  In fact, along with insurance, budgeting is probably the most important administrative aspect of any trip.  Planning and budgeting allows the would-be traveler to work out whether he or she can, in fact, afford to travel.  This is crucial because ending up in a strange country, without sufficient money, can be a very scary experience indeed.

Start early

The earlier travelers work out a budget, the better.  That way, if money needs to be saved or earned, there is time for this to be done.  Items to consider include:

Travel costs

These do not begin and end with airfare.  The budget should also include the costs for transfers from the airport to accommodation (sometimes for multiple destinations), airport fees and taxes, and the additional costs of getting around upon reaching the destination, such as taxis and bus fares.  This often demands some serious research, as there is no point in merely guessing at prices, so this part of the budget can take time.


Often, travelers will budget for three meals a day, but this can be a mistake: outdoor activities can increase appetite and consequently the need for food and/or drink.  The best policy is to schedule for three meals as well as several (at least two) snacks a day and plenty of water.  Never forget that prices for food and drink are likely to be higher in tourist hotspots – again, research is crucial.

Memorable and iconic experiences

While it can be tempting to cut back on this part of the trip, to do so can conflict with the very point of traveling.  Why go to Paris and not taste real, gourmet French food?  Or visit Istanbul but skip the Blue Mosque?  While careful budgeting is good, there is sometimes a fine line between being frugal and being a tightwad – the latter can seriously damage the entire travel experience.

In order to create a realistic budget for food, travel, and experiences, travelers need up-to-date information, so relying on guide books can be a bad idea.  Fortunately there are plenty of current, detailed travel blogs online that are often a great source of information regarding the real cost of living when backpacking.

Emergency funds 

Finally, no traveler should forget to cater for emergency funds.  All budgets should include some flexibility – over budget rather than under budget is the best way – but if the backpacker runs out of money in some far-flung part of the planet, what then?  That is why all travelers should establish a means of receiving emergency funds from home in case of need, and they should do this well before they leave.  Fortunately, it is very easy to set up an online account with reliable money transfer services.  For example, travelers can do so at Upon completing this task, any traveler can depart safe in the knowledge that, if they are really necessary, emergency funds are just a mouse click away.

Nobody wants to be stranded abroad without any money, which is why budgeting is so crucial before taking a trip of such magnitude. The key to this is planning, so hopefully, if the above tips are followed, then a trip of a lifetime will hopefully go off without a hitch!

photo credit: YOITABI via photopin cc

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